
See Your Stories in the Stars

See Your Stories in the Stars

Writers and astrologers have a lot in common. They’re all students of human behavior, with a fascination for discovering hidden motivations, secret fears, and boundless dreams. They’re also natural observers who have a knack for tuning in to conflicting emotions, subconscious behavior, and mystery.

They even share a similar vocabulary. The language of astrology is the language of story—of conflict and resolution, courage and compassion, and life-changing growth and development. Astrologers describe the zodiac as a cosmic drama, and they point out that the planets move through the signs of the zodiac like players on a celestial stage.

Astrology for Writers will show you how to use astrology to create realistic characters, stunning plot twists, and symbolic, meaningful themes.

Accessible and Fun

You don’t need to be a mystic or a seer to add astrology to your writing practice. Astrology for Writers explains every astrological principle in plain English. And while this guide is an astrological primer, you don’t have to become a serious student of the art in order to benefit from its wisdom.

In fact, you don’t need to have any knowledge of astrology at all in order to use the techniques in this book. Every concept is described in plain English, and the practice suggestions include instructions and examples. Download the free story planner at astrologyforwriters.info, and you can get started right away.

Whether you write short stories, novels, screenplays, or poetry, Astrology for Writers is your invitation to a world of cosmic wonder.

Bigger and Better

The new and improved Astrology for Writers builds upon the monumental success of the first edition, published in 2013.
Readers loved the original—but they wanted more. So by popular demand, this new edition includes more astrological principles, more tips and hints, and more samples of creative writing based on the stars.

Volume One of Astrology for Writers will be released on the Autumn Equinox, September 22, 2024. Additional volumes will follow in short order.

The guidebooks build on each other, but you can also dip in and out of the series whenever you’re looking for insight and inspiration.

Volume One: The Planets. The planets are the guiding lights of the night sky, and the actors in the drama of the cosmic stage. They make perfect models for the characters in a world of your creation. We can examine their motivations and goals, as well as their hopes and fears. We’ll determine which characters are the center of the action, and which characters make up the supporting cast.

Volume Two: The Signs. Just as the planets revolve around the Sun, your characters will move through the signs of the zodiac. In the process, their stories will unfold. We’ll follow the plot, and discover what obstacles and conflicts keep them from reaching their goals. We’ll also study the ways that the symbolism of the signs can be the foundation of story structure, theme, and symbolism.

Volume Three: The Houses. The twelve houses of a horoscope chart provide a backdrop and setting for the drama of human experience. As the planets travel through the signs of the zodiac, they also pass through the houses of the horoscope. As they dip in and out of each other’s domains, some are honored guests—and some are hostile invaders.

Volume Four: The Charts. The planets, signs, and houses all come together on a horoscope chart—a map of the solar system, and an outline of possibilities. It might look like a mystic cryptographer’s puzzle, but it’s surprisingly easy to read once you know how it’s constructed.

Volume Five: The Stars. Most constellations are deeply intertwined with classic myths, particularly from Greek and Roman mythology. From Andromeda’s perilous plight to the Virgo’s goddess of justice, we’ll connect the dots between ancient legends and their starry forms.

Volume Six: The Prompts. Get your creative juices flowing with prompts inspired by the starry night sky. Write a story, scene, poem, or character sketch. Use the prompts as a warm-up exercise or a building block for a larger project; the possibilities are as limitless as the universe itself.

The Astrology for Writers Story Planner. A free, 65-page printable planner to guide you through the process of creating characters, stories, and settings with the archetypes of astrology.

Whether you write short stories, novels, screenplays, or poetry, Astrology for Writers is your invitation to a world of cosmic wonder.


This Week’s Astrology for Writers Prompt

Taurus symbolizes endurance, stability, and the pleasures of the senses. Craft a story about a landscape architect who can grow plants instantaneously. When a mysterious blight threatens the world’s crops, her unique skill becomes humanity’s last hope for survival, forcing her to confront her own deeply rooted fears. Share your results on social media! Tag …